Motor Development Journey

A Step by Step Guide ...

1 - Definition Capture

Data Gathering

Understanding the exact application requirements is essential for the design process. PMW Dynamics applications engineers are highly experienced in working with new customers to define the specific design parameters for a new motor design

Typically, initial data required includes parameters such as ...

  • Motor Rated Torque & Speed
  • Motor Peak Torque & Duration at Peak
  • Space Envelope Available
  • Mass Budget
  • Operating Voltage & Available Current
  • Operating Duty Cycle
  • Cooling Philosophy
  • Operating Environment - Temperature, Humidity & Pressure
  • Environmental Projection - IP Rating

Our application engineering team have prepared an on-line questionnaire that leads you through this data capturing process

Click HERE to access the on-line motor definition capture form

2- Conceptual Design

Conceptual Design

PMW Dynamics consider the requirements and prepare a conceptual solution for the application to present to the customer. This concept is accompanied by a proposal for the development, prototyping and pre-production phases plus estimates for ultimate production costs of final design

3 - Design Contract Award

Contract Award

Contract award commences with customer financial commitment for the next phases of the programme which typically comprise of the following ...

  • Electro-Magnetic Design
  • Thermal Modelling
  • Mechanical Design
  • Prototype Samples
  • Validation Testing

4 - Electro-Magnetic Design

Electro-Magnetic Study

Using the very latest motor design tools, such as MotorCAD, PMW Dynamic's expert designers consider all aspects of the electro-magnetic design to obtain, and often exceed, the customer's application requirement

MotorCAD provides literally hundreds of key motor design parameters that can be optimised by our experienced designers to achieve the ideal solution

Our design approach is fully interactive. Our philosophy is to be open and share critical design decisions with our customers. Design reviews will be undertaken at key design milestones as well as a preparation of fully detailed Electro-Magnetic design report at the conclusion of this phase

Working in a classic "Stage Gate" methodology ensures critical design decisions and approvals are presented throughout the motor development process

5 - Mechanical Design

Mechanical Design

With the Electro-Magnetic design complete, certain geometry of the motor design is now fixed; typically rotor and stator configurations. The mechanical design develops those themes to a fully realisable, manufacturable product design

Employing SolidWorks Professional complete with it's comprehensive motion suite, allows PMW Dynamics' designers to fully explore, develop and optimise the mechanical design

FEA ... Morbi sollicitudin ligula et odio rutrum aliquam. Vivamus et risus lobortis, semper justo sit amet, tincidunt leo. Nunc faucibus velit sed nisl gravida, non blandit turpis venenatis. Curabitur faucibus libero vel metus luctus, vel ultrices ipsum congue. Mauris arcu elit, elementum imperdiet nisl vitae, ultricies molestie mi. 

Some applications require simply a frameless design i.e. just the active components of the motor - wound stator and loaded rotor. Providing a motor as a frameless configuration allows for the motor to be totally embedded into the customer's application. Configurations such as this often gain traction where a fully integrated solution is sort such as will a robot arm joint or an AGV wheel, for example

Other applications require a fully developed housed motor solution including housing, shaft/flange, feedback device(s), cabling solutions etc. Morbi sollicitudin ligula et odio rutrum aliquam. Vivamus et risus lobortis, semper justo sit amet, tincidunt leo. Nunc faucibus velit sed nisl gravida, non blandit turpis venenatis. Curabitur faucibus libero vel metus luctus, vel ultrices ipsum congue. Mauris arcu elit, elementum imperdiet nisl vitae, ultricies molestie mi. 

6 - Design Validation

Development Laboratory

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